Appleからのメール概要『Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Intermediate certificate update.』


Dear ***,

Starting January 28, 2021, the digital certificates you use to sign your software for installation on Apple devices, submit apps to the App Store, and connect to certain Apple services will be issued from a new intermediate Apple Worldwide Developer Relations certificate (expiring 2030). This new intermediate certificate will not affect the availability or functionality of apps you’re already distributing on the App Store. And you can continue to use your existing certificates until they expire.

If you’re running Xcode 11.4.1 or later, you’ll receive the updated certificate automatically when you sign an app after January 28, 2021. If you’re running an earlier release of Xcode and need to generate new certificates, download and install the new intermediate certificate and utilize the command line to sign your app. You can also archive your build with your existing Xcode version and sign it for distribution with Xcode 11.4.1 or later.

The current intermediate certificate (expiring in 2023), will continue to issue certain Apple services certificates, including Apple Push Notification service (APNs) SSL certificates and Apple Wallet pass signing certificates. Keep both versions installed on your development systems and servers until later this year.

Learn more about upcoming certificate updates for Apple services.

Best regards,
Apple Developer Relations



  • 開発者向けのメール

  • 中間証明書が新しくなりますよ

  • 中間証明書って何?っていう方は こちら を参考にしてみるといいかも

  • 既に配信中のアプリには影響しませんよ

  • Xcode11.4.1以降ならSign In の時に自動でやってくれますよ

  • プッシュ通知などで使う証明書は、2023年まで現在の中間証明書で発行できますよ

  • 詳しくは、お知らせページを見てね



