【要点まとめ】Google Play の定期購入に関するポリシーの更新

Google Play の定期購入に関するポリシーの更新がありました。





You, as a developer, must not mislead users about any subscription services or content you offer within your app. It is critical to communicate clearly in any in-app promotions or splash screens. We do not allow apps that subject users to deceptive or manipulative purchase experiences (including in-app purchases or subscriptions).

You must be transparent about your offer. This includes being explicit about your offer terms, the cost of your subscription, the frequency of your billing cycle, and whether a subscription is required to use the app. Users should not have to perform any additional action to review the information.

Subscriptions must provide sustained or recurring value to users throughout the life of the subscription, and may not be used to offer what are effectively one-time benefits to users (for example, SKUs that provide lump sum in-app credits/currency, or single-use game boosters). Your subscription may offer incentive or promotional bonuses, but these must be complementary to the sustained or recurring value provided throughout the life of the subscriptionProducts that do not offer sustained and recurring value must use an in-app product instead of a subscription product.

You may not disguise or mischaracterize one-time benefits to users as subscriptions. This includes the modification of a subscription to turn it into a one-time offering (for example, canceling, deprecating, or minimizing recurring value) after the user has purchased the subscription.

  • サブスクについての審査を厳しくする
  • ユーザーを騙して登録させるな
  • 内容(期間や価格)を明確に表示しろ
  • ちゃんと継続的に価値を提供するものだけにサブスクを使え
  • 最初の1回だけ価値を提供するようなものはダメだ



  • – Monthly subscriptions that do not inform users they will be automatically renewed and charged every month.
    – Annual subscriptions that most prominently display their pricing in terms of monthly cost.
    – Subscription pricing and terms that are incompletely localized.
    In-app promotions that do not clearly demonstrate that a user can access content without a subscription (when available).
    – SKU names that do not accurately convey the nature of the subscription, such as “Free Trial” or “Try Premium membership – 3 days for free,” for a subscription with an auto-recurring charge. 
    – Multiple screens in the purchase flow that lead users into accidentally clicking the subscribe button.
    – Subscriptions that do not offer sustained or recurring value — for example, offering 1,000 gems for the first month, then reducing the benefit to 1 gem in subsequent months of the subscription.
    – Requiring a user to sign up to an auto-renewing subscription to deliver a one-time benefit, and canceling a user’s subscription without their request after the purchase.

  • 自動更新だと伝えない
  • 総額を割って月平均の料金を表示した年間プラン(年額を表示しない)
  • 期間と価格の翻訳が不完全
  • 「無料トライアル」のように価格を表示しない表現
  • 誤タップでサブスク登録させるボタン
  • 継続的に価値を提供しない(最初の1ヶ月だけ1000ptあげて翌月以降は1ptとか)
  • 1回だけの価値のために登録させる、運営者が勝手にサブスクを中止する



① Dismiss button is not clearly visible and users may not understand that they can access functionality without accepting the subscription offer.
② Offer only displays pricing in terms of monthly cost and users may not understand that they will be charged a six month price at the time they subscribe.
③ Offer only shows the introductory price and users may not understand what they will automatically be charged at the end of the introductory period.
④ Offer should be localized in the same language as the terms and conditions so that users can understand the entire offer.

  • ① サブスク登録画面から逃げにくくさせる(バツボタンが見えにくい)
  • ② 6ヶ月更新なのに月額料金だけ見せて、6ヶ月分の料金を表示してない
  • ③ 価格だけを表示して単発課金に見せる、継続的に自動更新させることを言わない
  • ④ 定期購読のページは利用規約で使ってる言語に合わせてない(翻訳が不完全)



① Recurring clicks in the same button area causes the user to inadvertently click the final “continue” button to subscribe.

② The amount that users will be charged at the end of the trial is hard to read, such that users may think the plan is free

  • ① 同じUIの連続で、「続ける」ボタンなどで登録させてしまう
  • ② 課金される金額を薄くしたり小さくしたりして見にくくして、無料っぽく見せる




